There have been some great new initiatives that I have been a part
of too. One of those is the Stage 2 chromebook program. We received the devices
to be implemented into the classroom during Term 1 Week 5 of this year. Since
that time the stage has utilised them in a multitude of ways.
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The devices are one to one and each student has their own personal
device for class use only. At this point they are not able to be loaned out for
home use. The students have taken to the new technology like a duck to water.
They have no fear of failure, as a whole, and we as staff have instilled that
they cannot break them by using them. Each student has a Google login and
account that is maintained and monitored by the team of technical geniuses on
the ground. Without the ICT support staff none of the technological programs in
our school could run.
They are used daily and some days the students may have them on their
desk all day. Year 4 has moved much of our ‘written’ work; narrative writing,
collaborative written tasks for HSIE and Science, over to the cloud devices.
While I have my own ideas about the concept of ‘digital natives’
over the past 15 weeks I have seen a spectrum of what researchers may be
talking about. As I said earlier, the student has jumped at the chance to use
the technology in the classroom. There are those who desire to be led step by
step through the technical use of the device, however, on the most part when we
have set a task and permitted or encouraged the use of the chromebook as a
collaborative or presentation tool most students have blown us away with their
adaptability and creativity within their work.
I am continually excited by the power that technology has to open
the door for many students to explore their love of learning. The joy they have
for discovering something new to them and then the availability of information
and experts through the internet. Children are naturally curious and want to
understand how their world works. Their world is very different to the one that
I grew up in, and I am not that old.
Of course I am not advocating for all children to spend their time
on the internet instead of with their parents. As a parent, I love the chances
that I get to spend with my five year old and 16 month old, seeing the world
through their eyes and giving them experiences that I had. Walking on the rocks
at the beach and looking at the life that is in the pools. Exploring and observing
the power of the ocean, explaining what impact it has on our earth to my son.
Or playing baseball and cricket in the backyard, or playing at the park.
In each of these times I have the chance to come along side my son
and he asks question after question, he creates stories about how things have
become they way they are. We visit other planets on the ‘rope rocket’. He just
loves learning. My daughter has just learnt to walk and is now learning to
I consider myself very privileged to be an important part of their
journey. I highly recommend getting alongside your kids and seeing this world
through their eyes, it is refreshing.
However, technology has its place in students investigations. When safe
on the Internet, students can become the facilitators of their own learning.
They investigate what they find fascinating and naturally learn in their
optimum learning style, they are choosing it, and they find the resources that
scaffold their learning.
This is where I could give a rundown of all the apps and online
programs that we have used to make this successful. However, these will change,
our students found what was relevant to them. We as educators guided them
through the basics, gave them the Google suite as the basis and them let them
go. To make them relevant for your class they need to be personalised for your
As a stage we have ensured that the device is not the focus of the
lessons, rather they are just another resource at the students disposal. It has
not taken over from the sound pedagogy that we strive for. Rather the students
think little of the ‘novelty’ of the technology as it is simply part of their
learning landscape.